Saturday, August 3, 2013

Accept The Differences Of Others, None Of Us Are The Same. Be Yourself

Accept The Differences Of Others, None Of Us Are The Same. Be Yourself

We all have things that we like and we all have things that we dislike. Embrace in the things that you like as long as you are not hurting anyone and it does not go against God's commands in the Bible. If you like to swing off the chandeliers, embrace that as long as they are your chandeliers. If you like to climb trees, do it. If you like to play with kids toys, do it. There is nothing wrong with any of these things. You don't have to try to be like everyone else, be yourself.

There are things that I like that are different than what other people my age like. I like to watch the classic Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show, I like 70's music, I like Ford Gran Torinos. I like to hunt deer, but whether or not I get one, I could care less even though other hunters are competitive, I am not. I like to make chocolate chip cookies even when other guys do not get into that. I like to enjoy nature. I like to fish even if I do not catch anything.

I am a very sensitive person who cries easily, especially when I know that someone else is hurting when most guys are not like that. I like helping people even though a lot of people could care less. I am a Christian.

You all have a right to be who you are without being judged. If you do something that the Bible tells you not to, you need to change that. If you are hurting other people, that needs to change. If you are not violating the Bible and are not hurting others, enjoy what you like and be yourself. Accept the differences of others and love them for who they are. If they violate the Bible, gently restore them with love. Love the person no matter what they like or dislike no matter how different it is.
Rodney Calmes

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