Trauma was mentioned in the Bible before scientists discovered the effects of trauma to the human brain.
Ecclesiastes 7:7 - "SURELY OPPRESSION DESTROYS A WISE MAN'S REASON, and a bribe debases the heart."
To Opress in Hebrew means to be cruel, fraud, cause distress, or gain unjustly. Oppression basically covers all forms of abuse by definition.
The scripture is saying that abuse destroys a wise man's reason. Scientifically, when a person is being abused, they lose connections with their frontal lobes which is the part of the brain that allows a person to think, reason, and problem solve. A person who is being abused loses those capabilities and goes into a flight, fight, or freeze mode.
This scenario brings Developmental Trauma to a child's brain, and also brings on Post Traumatic Stress to a child's and adult's brain.
Science proves scripture true. Scripture also backs true science.
I hope this brings insight on why being Trauma Informed is necessary for the churches and non-profit organizations.
Rodney Calmes
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