Never Let Anyone Shut You Up
Many times we face family, organizations, friends, relatives and other people who try to keep us silent. We share what happened and our families try to convince us that it never happened. They try to convince us that we are delusional. They get to know others in our churches and organizations we belong to and convince many of those people that we are liars. We share about what happened and people tell us that they don't want to hear about it. People isolated us and no one believes us. We get accused of lying.
When we face things like what was stated in the above paragraph, we feel that we have come face to face with Satan himself. We become discouraged. Toxicity has spread to everyone around us and everyone believes their lies. We end up being revictimized. This type of abuse is worse than the abuse we originally faced. Sometimes we feel we have to relocate. They are so convincing that we start to doubt ourselves. We feel alone and isolated. We feel like we are in the Twilight Zone.
I myself have faced these things. If I didn't have a pastor who understood things like that, I would have been kicked out of my church. My pastor was always on my side. He prayed for me and was very supportive of me. I can thank God that I had someone like him.
Never let anyone get you to doubt what happened to you. Never let anyone silence you. You know what happened and never let anyone doubt that. Keep speaking up and allow the world to see the ugliness of abuse.
Your story will save lives. Your story brings awareness and may save other people from being abused. Your story can change the lives of many. You are not alone. Your story will also show others that they are not alone. Don't be silenced. Never let anyone silence you. Those who try to silence you are doing a great evil. They don't love you. It is best to get around people who love you, not those who try to destroy you. You can make a difference by speaking up!
God sees what is going on. All of their deeds will be exposed. No one escapes God. So SPEAK UP!
Rodney Calmes