Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Sexual Effects Of Spanking Children And How It Can Alter Sexual Development From Before Adolescence On

The Sexual Effects Of Spanking Children And How It Can Alter Sexual Development From Before Adolescence On

Many people will not accept or believe that spanking a child will do anything sexual to him or her. Medical evidence has proven that spanking can cause arousal in children even as early as toddler ages. This is how it works.

1. The nerves in the lower buttocks is connected to the genital regions. When pain is inflicted, it can travel through those nerves and cause sensations to be aroused in the genitals, thus causing involuntary and pre-mature arousal. The effects can be just as bad as a child being molested.
Tom Johnson quotes "The sexual nature of the buttocks is explained not only by their proximity to the genitals, but also by their high concentration of nerve endings which lead directly to their sexual nerve centers. Hence the buttocks are a major locus of sexual signals."

Tom Johnson also continues on with "The sexuality of the buttocks is significant not just to adults, but to children as well. Even though they are sexually immature and without an active sex drive, children are from birth neurologically complete sexual beings who are capable of experiencing erotic sensation."

2. There are blood vessels that connect to the genital regions, and hitting the buttocks can force blood into those regions, which in turn will enhance arousal. Natural arousal will occur when blood flow is increased the the genitals whether the blood is forced there by hitting the buttocks or whether the blood flow is increased by a natural means.

Jillian Keenan states "Butts aren't just culturally sexualized; they are biologically sexual, too. Nerve tracts pass that through the lower spine carry sensory information to and from both the butt and the genitals. Some scientists speculate that these nerves can stimulate one region when the other is provoked. There's also a blood vessel in the pelvic region called the 'common iliac artery'. When blood rushes to a child's butt -- because, say, you're spanking him -- blood rushes down that artery. But the artery splits. Some of it directs blood to the genitals. So when you cause blood to rush to a child's butt, you're also causing it to rush to his or her other sex organs. The other time this kind of genital blood engorgement happens is during erection or arousal."

"Oxytocin, a hormone that is released during arousal, can increase pain tolerance by as much as 75 percent." - Jillian Keenan

3. This passage by Jillian Keenan also touches on the hormones that are released that can enhance arousal as well as adrenaline and endorphins that get released also during a spanking as well as sexual arousal.

With all of this being said, we have shown that spanking a child can cause involuntary arousal whether it is the intention of the parent or care taker or not. We are now going to take this further and talk about how it changes a child's sexual development starting just before adolescence.

This information from the above things stated often gets stored in the child's brain. Arousal by natural means should not awaken until sexual development occurs. Spankings can awaken arousal pre-maturely. When arousal is triggered by a spanking, the child may not realize it at the time. The brain can link the spanking to the sensations of arousal, which then can wire itself to connect spanking to arousal, and in some cases require spanking. When this link gets formed and when the brain connects spanking with arousal, the following changes can occur in the child's sexual development.

1. Desire for spanking or fascination with spankings which can begin prior to adolescence. (This is either difficult or impossible to reverse.)

2. A person may not desire spanking, but forming that link can cause a lack of sexual desire all together. (This is impossible or difficult at best to reverse.)

3. Sexual activity can trigger memories of childhood spankings.

4. Feelings of being sexually violated from childhood spankings.

5. Feelings of deep shame during marital sexual activity.

6. Feelings of fear or intimidation of sex or marriage.

7. Humiliation and feelings of being degraded when thoughts of sex occur.

These side effects and others not mentioned can remain with the person for life, and some of these often cannot be reversed.

When a spanking causes involuntary arousal in a child, it is one and the same as molesting a child. The effects it can have can be the same as the effects child molestation can have on a child.

I may face opposition for posting this, but felt it necessary to do so, so that parents who spank and those who believe in spanking can be aware of the effects it can have on their children.

Hopefully this information may encourage parents to find alternatives to spanking.
See the following links for more information.…/spanking_is_a_sex_act_which_is_why_i…

My personal experience is that I started to desire spankings at age 8. I often misbehaved to get spanked, but when alternatives were done to me from that age forward, I gave up on misbehaving. I tried to change this part of me for over 20 years and found it to be impossible. I had to come to a point of accepting this as a part of me.

I will also pray for you if you have struggles in this area.

Rodney Calmes

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