Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You are Not Worthless, You are Not an Accident, You are Valuable, Precious, and Loved

Every person is valuable, and precious. They need to be treated with love, respect, and care. No person is deserving of abuse, and everyone deserves to have someone listen to them and encourage them. No two people are the same, we are all different, and we are to love all people for who they are. A little kindness shown towards another person can go a long way in their life and it will make you feel good to be kind. Everyone should be treated with kindness.

If you have ever had a parent tell you that you are an accident, or "I wish you were never born", or tell you that you are stupid or worthless, remember this: God created you in His image, and God does not have accidents, and God cannot make mistakes. God created you with the knowledge you have and can use you to do great things - you are not stupid. You are very precious to God and very valuable. Everything God created is good, including you - you are not worthless. God loves you even if others do not, but He also provides others who love you and care about you - you are not unloved.

How people treat you does not determine whether or not you are a good person, but what determines that is how you treat others. If you are kind, gentle, loving, and caring toward others, that will make you a great person. If you are mean to others, that will make you a bad person.
Have you ever thought that you could not be used by God, think of this: Jacob was a thief, but was yet used by God and he became Isreal. Peter lied & denied,but yet was used to build the church among Jerusalem. David had an affair, but yet was a man after God's own heart. Noah was an ugly drunk, but yet built an Ark to save his family and the animals from the flood. Jonah was judgmental & bitter, but yet preached to Nineveh to repent so that God did not take His judgment on them. Paul was a murderer, but God used him to do great things. Moses had a speech problem & a temper, but he was used to lead the Isrealites to the promised land and freed them from slavery in Egypt. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If you think God cannot use you, think of these guys on how God used them. God can use you to do great things if you trust Him. There is none of you who cannot be used by God.
If you ever thought you would not accomplish much, or that you were insignificant, I would like to tell you otherwise. Phil 4:13 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. NKJV If you trust in God, God will cause you to do great things, and those great things come from the love, kindness, compassion, and care that you have for others. By showing these things to others, you are doing great things. You do not have to be the president of the United States to do great things. The love, compassion, kindness, and care you show towards others accomplishes those great things. Every one of you can do great things and there is no one who cannot do great things. Be encouraged by this.

Rodney Calmes

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