Sunday, December 8, 2013

You Are Not "Damaged Goods"

You Are Not "Damaged Goods"

Many times our society looks at us as survivors of abuse,  bullying, rape or molestation as "damaged goods".  I am going to tell you reasons why we as survivors are not "damaged goods".

The abuse we faced May have had bad effects on us.  We may have suffered depression, anxiety,  PTSD, and other complications.  We may have suffered deep wounds that we may not see any chance of healing.  I myself can testify that there is hope.  I have survived,  I may not be perfect,  but I can testify that I would not be the person I am today if I had not gone through that myself. 

Most of us have survived abuse and have decided to break the cycle.  That in itself says a lot about you.   Our compassion for others who face pain has grown,  we would not have had that compassion otherwise.  There are going to be people's lives changed because we had the compassion on them and cared to be there for them when they were in pain, that act of kindness may save their lives.  I can testify that it happened to me.  One act of kindness means a lot to someone,  especially those who have been hurt.  We have become better people.  You are a better person.

You are not "damaged goods".  You have survived,  and grown as a person. When you trust God,  He will heal you,  and will cause you to accomplish the greatest things because of what you have survived.  You will find out that you would never have been able to accomplish those things had you not survived it yourself.  What Satan tries to damage, God makes whole. 

Don't give up.  Don't look at yourself as "damaged goods" but look at yourself as a survivor and know that you will thrive through Christ who has died for us and has risen and renews us. 

Rodney Calmes

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