Having Desires And Fascinations With Getting Spanked Is Nothing To Be Ashamed Of
You may have seen some people out in public making fun of that. You may have struggled with feeling ashamed of having those desires in the past. The public may have called it a disorder. People may have said that it was unhealthy. The fundamental Christians may have called it a sin. All these things have been bombarded to us and because of that, we feel ashamed because of it. We try to hide that part of ourselves. I myself have done that. I have felt ashamed of who I am. I tried to keep this part of me secret. I asked God to take my desires and fascinations with getting spanked away from me.
I have studied the Bible very thoroughly and found nothing wrong with this. I researched the laws and found nothing illegal. Nothing gets done without consent. For years it was called a disorder, but now it is called an alternate lifestyle.
For too long people have been shamed because of this for no reason. For too long society has made people feel that there is something wrong with them because of this. Where does the Bible call this a sin? Where does it say in the laws that this is illegal? Why are people being judged? Don't we have a right to be ourselves? If this is not a sin and this is not illegal, then why do people treat us like it is illegal or wrong? When we look at Matthew 7, the Bible says judge not lest you be judged.
Some of us has suffered needless anxiety because of how others judge us. I myself have felt that way. I have tried to hide who I am because of fear of what others would think. I have felt ashamed of who I am for no reason because of how people talk about those who like getting spanked. God did not take those desires away for a reason. God had a purpose for this. To teach me not to judge others and accept others for their differences. God taught me not to call anything a sin unless the Bible calls it a sin a and also to make a statement. Through this, God has also taught me to accept myself.
When people call fascinations and desires to get spanked a "spanking fetish", that is putting a negative connotation on that. When psychologists have called it a "psycho-sexual disorder" that is saying that there is something wrong with a person who likes getting spanked. Those kind of statements causes people to have increased anxiety because of who they are. This type of thing is nonsense and unnecessary and it hurts people more than helps them. This is why in recent years it is called "alternate lifestyle". This is why I never use "spanking fetish". No one deserves to be ashamed of who they are. I am not ashamed of who I am and I will not be ashamed of who I am.
If any of you have ever felt this way before, if you have been judged, or if you have felt ashamed of who you are, there is nothing to be ashamed of as long as it is legal and the Bible does not call it is sin. It is also about time that Christians stop judging people for things that the Bible does not call a sin and to accept the differences of others. It is about time that Christians come along side others and encourage them rather than judge them. When someone is in sin, we are to gently restore them with the Bible rather than beating them down with the Bible (see Galatians 6:1). I, myself am a Christian and it is our responsibility to stand up for what is right, to love the people and accept the differences of others.
I thank God that He has not taken away my desires and fascinations of getting spanked because if He would have, I myself would have been judgmental and less accepting of the differences of others.
I hope to make a difference in people's lives and that this will free people from unnecessary shame.
God bless you all
Rodney Calmes
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