Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spankings Can Be A Reward Rather Than A Punishment With Some Kids

Spankings Can Be A Reward Rather Than A Punishment With Some Kids

Many parents will try to curb misbehavior by spanking with blunt force or using blunt objects to spank with. This can trigger involuntary sexual experiences in a child. A person does not have to be an adult or an adolescent to experience this. This type of thing happens because the butt is an erogenous zone. The nerves in the butt are connected to the nerves in the genitals. When extreme pain is experienced, that pain travels to the genitals along with the sudden blunt force forcing blood into the genitals. When this happens, the person experiences sexual experiences. Some have reported recalling being aroused by spankings at as early as age 6. Some reports were made of boys as early as age 4 having erections after getting spanked, which most of them do not recall the actual experience. Once you have triggered these involuntary sexual experiences, you have created a desire for spankings in those kids. Spankings now become a reward rather than a punishment.

You may spank a kid then notice an increase of that misbehavior rather than a decrease. The kid may in his way try to encourage you to spank him/her harder. They may ask for spankings. They may choose spankings over other non physical punishments. They may spank themselves. Or they may talk about spankings very frequently. TAKE NOTE IF YOU SEE YOUR CHILD DO ANY OF THESE THINGS.

Once a person desires spankings, they are no longer useful for curbing bad behavior. Spankings will now enhance bad behavior. I, myself have desired spankings since age 8. It more addictive than crack cocaine. Those desires will never go away, even if you never spank your child again.

I have been very reluctant to talk about this until this year. I was afraid of what others might think. I now opened up because I thought it necessary for 3 reasons. To get people to stop judging others for their differences. To get people to understand that there may be reasons for others to have differences and to get people to accept the differences of others and love one another for who they are. The third is to let you know that if you like to be spanked or have other differences, it is ok for you to be you. You do not have to be ashamed of who you are.

Rodney Calmes

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