Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It May Be Hard to Accept Kindness When So Many Were Mean To Us, But You Deserve to be Loved, and Have Kindness Shown to You

Have any of you ever experienced this? When someone says something kind to you, you get very sensitive. Example, “I am proud of the person you have become” leads you to cry and every time you think of that person saying that to you, you cry, even a couple days after it happened. When someone says or does mean things to you, it hardly has any effect on you.

This may have occurred because you have been hurt so many times that you have become numb to it. You are not used to having someone being kind to you and you are beside yourself when someone shows you kindness. You may have felt that you did not deserve love or kindness. You may even find it hard to accept love or kindness.

If these things have happened to you, I want you to remember this: God loves you, and those who love God will love you too. God has considered you worth being loved, even to the point of dying on a cross for you. God has created you to be loved, and anyone who has not loved you or was unkind to you has not only sinned against you, but has sinned against God. You are not any less of a person because people were mean to you, and you are no less deserving of love because you have been hurt by others. You are very precious, and you mean a lot to God. God has felt your pain, and He wants to heal you. Those who have hurt you have proven that they are not loving and kind. Your love and kindness and compassion has proven you to be a much better person than they are. If you have love and compassion in your heart and you are kind to others, you have something to be proud of. You will be used by God in a great way if you trust in Him, and the person you become will put to shame those who were mean to you.

If you are that person who gets sensitive when someone shows kindness toward you, I would like to pray for you, and encourage you in any way I can. If you know someone like that, show extra kindness to them, keep encouraging them and building them up, and let them know that they are loved, and that you care about them. If they cry, let them know it is ok and let them know that God sees their tears and He cares about them. Comfort them, and offer yourself to them that they can come to you any time. If they do not accept your kindness right away, keep being persistent in being kind to them, and continue to pray for them. Never just let them slide. You might be the only one who shows them that kindness. That will bring much healing to them, and your kindness to that person will have changed their life forever. People who have been hurt by others may have difficulty accepting kindness, so never give up on them. Keep praying for them. I, myself has experienced this and I may still get sensitive when someone says kind things to me at times. I also had people who persisted in being kind and that has helped me a lot, and I know it can help others. I will pray for you.

Many times when we have been abused or bullied for many years, we feel unloved. We may feel that we do not deserve to be loved, and we often feel that we deserve to have people do mean things to us. We program things in our heads, example: I tell myself that I am a bad person, and a rotten person. I told myself that I deserve to have people do mean things to me. I deserved to be whipped. I deserve to be unloved. I have told myself these things many times for many years. I realized that these things are not true today, but as these thoughts come to my mind, I constantly have to remind myself that God has made me a wonderful person, and He created me for who I am, and He loves me. That also goes for you too. It is not right for any person to be unloved. It is not right for me to be unloved and it is not right for you to be unloved. God created you, and God loves you, and others should treat you with that same kind of love, and you should treat others with love as well. For a long while, when someone showed me love and kindness, I would shy away because I felt that I did not deserve that. I felt like it was not right for me to be treated with love and kindness. If you find yourself in that situation, do not shy away from love, and do not shy away from kindness - you need love and kindness. You deserve love and kindness. You are all precious human beings worthy of being loved, and to have kindness and mercy shown toward you. It is never right to treat anyone, including you with unkindness, or hatred. It is right to treat someone, including you with love and kindness. It took me years to accept love and kindness, and I, today find myself being what you would call over thankful when someone shows love and kindness towards me. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that someone could be kind to me. After a while I may get used to the same person being kind towards me, like my wife. I would also let you know that when someone shows me love and kindness, it means the world to me. Keep that in mind when you see someone else who may not be loved. I would like to let all you know that you all deserve to be loved and treated with kindness. It does not matter what you have done, or what you have not done. Jesus died for that, and you are all clean, if you believe in Jesus and accept Him into your lives. You are all precious human beings created by God, and God loves you, so I will also love you as well. We should all love one another the way God loves you, and when we have that love for others, great things will happen and you will have an effect on the lives of many.

By Rodney Calmes

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